Miss.Simbaña Angie 1st BGU C Date: Friday, 22nd May,2020 Hour:4 :57 pm Week.N°11 ~COMMENTARY: •Democracy is considered a fair form of government that aims to protect the human rights of all people. Its purpose is also to guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by political power or more, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system of collective and participative decision-making appropriately.
☆MISS:QUIROZ NATHALY ☆COURSE:1st BGU "B" DATE: SATURDAY, 23rd , 2020 ♡HOUR: 12:20 ♡WEEK.NO~11.. ....♡◇COMENTARY◇♡.... ...☆¤what is the objective of democracy¤☆... It is to protect certain basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to protection of the law on an equal footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in the political, economic and cultural life of society. .♡☆FINISH HOMEWORK☆♡.
Name: Miss.Oña Jaden Class: 1st BGU"B" Date: Saturday, 23rd May, 2020 Hour: 01:55 pm Week.No 11, task.4 Comentary What is the goal of democracy? The objective of democracy is to fulfill and protect the rights of citizens, democracy is based on the people, its specific objective is to fulfill what the people have decided. Democracy must protect all citizens' rights regardless of whether they are foreigners. Democracy makes known the freedom of expression that we have when electing someone to the mandate of the people.
Name:Mr.Patricio Vera Class:1 st BGU"A" Date and hour: Saturday,23 th ,2020. I finished my homework at time 4:01 Pm. Comentary: ¿ What is the goal of democracy? - the objective of democracy is that no person can be excluded from society and help to maintain the rights of each person, either by expression of freedom or by opinion of each person without being criticized.
NAME: Miss. Sosa Miriam CLASS:1st BGU "C" DATE AND HOUR: Saturday,23 th, 2020 I FINISHED MY HOMEWORK AT TIME 2:30 PM COMENTARY: ¿WHAT IS THE GOAL OF DEMOCRACY? ● Democracies understand that one of their main functions is to protect certain basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to the protection of the law on an equal footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural life..
Name.Mr.Tipantiza Estiven Class:1BGU D COMENTARY: *It is a form of social organization that attributes the ownership of power to all citizens. Strictly speaking, democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives.
Miss Guerra Janina Class 1 BGU A Hour 9:00pm Date :monday 25th may 2020 Comentary What is the goal of democrcy? Democracy itselft is the government of the people.His main objective is that all of them can participate with respect and equity without any discrimination .~
Mr:Calispa Erick Class:1st BGU "D" hour:10:27 Whatis the goal of democracy ? the objective of democracy is to defend the sovereignty of the people and to respect the rights of citizens and to have the freedom to choose our rulers and make this an egalitarian society without social discrimination or any type of violence
Dunderstand that one of their main functions is to protect certain basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to protection of the law on an equal footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural life
Name :Miss.Estrella Magaly CLASS:1ST BGU "A" Date : Monday 27th, march 2020 What is the objective of Democracy? The objective of Democracy is to do what the majority of society has decided since it is made up of a group of people who govern the people in a correct way since they do jobs or activities in the welfare of the people. society
Name:Brayan Ruales Class: 1st BGU C Democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are affected by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives.
Miss Unapucha Silvana Class: 1st BGU "A" TERMINE EL TRABAJO A LAS 10:45 AM
El objetivo es proteger ciertos derechos humanos basicos, como la libetad de expresión y de religión a la oportunidad de organizarse y participar plenamente en la vida politica y a que nadie sea despreciado.
Name: Miss Aules Emily . Class:1st BGU C Date: Tuesday, 26th May, 2020. Hour:11:53 a.m. Week.N'11. Finished the homework N'11. •COMMENTARY ~The main objective of democracy is to defend or protect human rights, where freedom of expression and religion, equality and countless other rights are protected by democracy so that everything is kept in a totally healthy order.
Name: Miss Urcuango Andrea Class: 1st BGU "B" Date: tuesday, 26th May 2020 Hour: 12:49 pm Week.N'11 *Democracy is considered a fair form of government that aims to protect the human rights of all people. Its purpose is also to guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by political power or more, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system of collective and participative decision-making appropriately.😊
Name: Miss Samaniego Paulina Class: 1st BGU C Date: tuesday, 26th May,2020 Hour: 1:15 pm Week 11 - Activity 4
What is the goal of democracy? The objective of democracy is that our rights and our opinions as citizens are respected, that we have the freedom to choose and to make decisions that contribute to our government, which allows us to develop a good quality of life.
Name :miss Cuichan Sara Class 1st bgu c Date , tuesday 26 Th may 2020 Hours ;1:29 Week11 Activity 4 I believe that democracy would come to be that we can all choose And being elected is a political party so to speak, in which we have the principles of freedom and equality, equity would also enter and we can all be free, so to speak I think that would come to be democracy and it should also be noted that it comes from the Greek demos and Kratos government of the people that is to say that the people choose
Name:Dayana Arévalo Class:1st BGU A What is the goal of democracy? The objective is to defend the will of the people, since the latter transfers or delegates control of the State to a greater or lesser extent. It is one of the most popular political and social organization systems in the world, despite having been invented in Classical Antiquity. A fundamental feature is that it confers the power of decision in the conduct of the State, that is, sovereignty to the people that is expressed through the will. :)
Name : miss Dahua Yessenia class: 1st BGU A Date : tuesday , 26th May,2020 Hour : 15:06 Week 11 -Activity 4 What is the goal of democracy? I think that democracy is considered more as a fair form of government that has the objectives of protecting the human rights of all people or citizens and that its purpose is also to guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by the political power and that there is no corruption, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system that makes collective and participatory decision-making in an appropriate way with people.
Miss:Mora Mayerly Class:1st BGU B Date:Tuesday,26th May,2020 Hour: 15:20 Week 11 Activity 4 What is the goal of democracy?The objective of democracy is to have a government in order Where the people are the ones who decide who represents us as a country with votes to choose the president with free expression.
Mr.Elizalde Kevin 1st BGU "A" Tuesday,26th May 2020 at 15:39 pm -What is the goal of democracy? Strictly speaking, democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives.
Name :Miss.Sandoval Ivonn Class 1st BGU C Finish the homework Date Tuesday 26th May 2020
What is the objective of Democracy? The objective of Democracy is to do what the majority of society has decided since it is made up of a group of people who govern the people in a correct way since they do jobs or activities in the welfare of the people.
Cual es el objetivo de la democracia? El objetivo de la Democracia es que todo el mundo pueda participar en las votaciones para poder escoger sus gobernantes y que cumplan todas sus acciones
Mr Aguagallo Lenin 1 ST BGU "A" Tuesday 26 th may 2020 16:12 pm What is the goal of democracy?
the objective of democracy is like the protection of our rights since the supreme power belongs to the people since we are the ones who elect our rulers, since we exercise through the rulers we elect
1st BGU D Whatis the goal of democracy ? the objective of democracy is to defend the sovereignty of the people and to respect the rights of citizens and to have the freedom to choose our rulers and make this an egalitarian society without social discrimination or any type of violence
Nombre: Anddy Guamán Curso: 1st BGU D Martes, 26 de mayo del 2020
Activudad 4. ¿Cuál es el objetivo de la democracia? Tener una mejor forma de gobierno, buenos gobernadores del país para que ciudadanos y ciudadanas tengan una muy buena calidad de vida en todos los sentidos.
Name:Mr Rivadenyera Ronald Date:Tuesday,26th May,2020 Class:1st BGU "C" Time:4:30 PM What is the goal of democracy?
Democracy is the system that to date best articulates and guarantees the peaceful coexistence of a society or in the words of Winston Churchill. In other words, democracy is an imperfect model, a means of maintaining social order, not an end in itself. The objective is no longer to articulate a system that enables each human being to develop their life project free of arbitrariness and nepotism, but democracy has become a totem and everything is justified in its name.For many, democracy is about voting.
Name: Miss Ceballos Edith Class: 1st BGU "B" Hour:16:42 Finished all homework
Democracy objectives to defend the rights of citizens are to execute and defend the will of the people, and listen to the people that is the ruler that speaks through a president elected by the people. ...........
Name: Mr. Solano Eduardo Class: 1st BGU "B" Date: tuesday, 26th May 2020 Hour: 4:15 pm Week.N'11 ¿WHAT IS THE GOAL OF DEMOCRACY? The objective of democracy is for all citizens to participate and have a voice and vote in how the government should act, seeing the needs of the country. the government must serve the people, the democracy includes freedom of expression, rights and obligations
Nombre: Olger Gualavisi Curso: 1ro BGU "A" Hora: 4:00 pm ¿Cual seria el objetivo de la democracia? Seria poder actuar todos por igual en los protocolos políticos así no seamos parte de la política, sin excluir a nadie, todos dar opiniones sobre lo que pensamos, ya elegir lo que queremos para el bien de todos. Eso es serio el objetivo de democracia hacer del pueblo un gobierno
Name: cristofer otavalo Class: 1st BGU "C" FInish the homework Date: thuesday 26th May 2020 What is the objective of Democracy? Democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through direct or indirect participation mechanisms that confer legitimacy on their representatives.
Name:miss.Simbaña Veronica Class:1st"D" the objective of democracy is to protect basic human rights such as freedom of expression and religion and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural life
Name:Mr.Muñoz Jose Class:1st bgu c Finished the homework What is the objetive oficial democracy? The fundamental cause of the current multidimensional crisis (political, economic, social, ecological, cultural) is the concentration of power in the hands of various elites, which is maintained and reproduced thanks to the dynamics of the market economy system (in its current internationalized form) and its political complement, the representative "democracy", that is, the political and economic system that emerged in the West only two centuries ago.
Name miss kande zambrano Class 1bgu"d" Finish the homework What is the objective of Democracy? the purpose of democracy is to say that it has a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives
Name: Mr. Maisincho Oscar Class: 1st BGU "B" Date: Tuesday, 26th May, 2020 Commentary: ¿What is the goal of democracy ? The objective of democracy is that the government must listen and pay attention to what the people say, democracy gives rights, obligations and freedom of expression
Name: David Villa Class: 1st BGU "A" I have finished the work Date: Tuestaday, 26th, May, 2020 17:23pm 1. What is the objective of Democracy? *They are certain rights that citizens give us to express themselves freely without restrictions, so that they can exercise our point of view to the country and that they listen to us without fear of anything, thus we will help our people.
Name:Miss Cisneros Melanie Class 1st"C" ¿What is the objetive of Democracy ? The objetive of democracy is to maintain good family communication as Well as between neigbors sobre that both within the home and abroad they área democratically good decisions.
Name:Miss Quilumba Nury Date:Tuesday, 26th May ,2020 Class:1st BGU “B” Time: 5:45pm What is the goal of democracy? In a democracy, the institutions are there to execute and defend the will of the people, since the latter transfers or delegates control of the State to a greater or lesser extent. It is common to confuse the idea of democracy and the republic, since the latter implies the separation of public powers and equality before the law, elements that today we consider essential for the existence of a democratic government.
Name: Miss Farinango Victoria Class: 1st BGU "A" Date: Tuesday, 26th May, 2020 Hour: 17:30 Ccommentary: ¿What is the goal of democracy ? The objective of democracy is to defend, protect the human rights of people, listen to the people who are the (persistent) ruler who is elected by citizens through votes, guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by political power and that there is no corruption.
Name:Miss.Ligña Tifany Class:1st BGU "D" Date:Tuesday ,26th May ,2020 Hour:17:53
♡What is the goal of democracy? The objective of democracy is that we can express ourselves freely,we can express our opinions and we can choose our rules ourselves.
NAME :Mr inte luis CLASS:1st bgu "D" DATE:Tuesday,26thMay,2020 HOUR :17:57pm What is the objective of Democracy? The objective of Democracy is to do what the mejority of society has decided since it is made up of a group of people who govern the people in a correct way since they do jobs or activities in the welfare of the people. society
☆MR:REYES ANTHONY ☆COURSE:1st BGU "A" DATE: TUESDAY, 26TH , 2020 ♡HOUR: 18:10 ♡WEEK.NO~11.. ....♡◇COMENTARY◇♡.... ...☆¤what is the objective of democracy¤☆... it is to protect the rights of all since we all have the right to express an opinion and vote for a candidate, to respect the laws and thus a good life as a citizen would be maintained ♡☆FINISH HOMEWORK☆♡.
Name: Andres Chango course: 1st BGU "C" Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Work finished 18:00 pm for me the objective of democracy is that we have freedom of expression and an opinion in the decisions that the state takes to choose our leaders.
Miss.Castro Vanessa 1st BGU "A" Tuesday,26th May,2020~4:30 pm
Democracy is a form of government that protects the human rights of all citizens. It also seeks to guarantee and protect the freedom of citizens against possible abuses by political power. It is a system that makes constant decisions in a collective, participatory and educated way.
Miss: Alquinga Jenifer Class 1 BGU A Hour 6:20 Date : Tuesday May 26th may 2020 Comentary What is the goal of democrcy? Democracy itselft is the government of the people.His main objective is that all of them can participate with respect and equity without any discrimination..
Nombre: Diana Cortes Clase: 1° BGU B Fecha: Martes 26 de mayo del 2020 Hora: 7:00pm ¿Cual es el objetivo de la democracia? En mi opinio el objetivo de la democracia seria que realizan con regularidad elecciones libres y equitativas, abiertas para todos los ciudadanos en edad de votar. Los ciudadanos de una democracia no sólo tienen derechos, sino también la obligación de participar en el sistema político y éste, a su vez, protege sus derechos y libertades.
Mr:Conlago Kevin Class:1st BGU "C" Date and hour: 26th may 2020 18:33 What is the goal of democracy? That the citizens have security and confidence that what happens is controlled by them
-COMMENTARY- ° Democracy considers a fair form of government that aims to protect the human rights of all people. Its purpose is also to protect and evaluate personal releases against the abuses of political power, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system of collective and participative decision-making in an appropriate way.
Name: Mr.Kevin Suarez Class: 1st BGU "A" In a democracy, people have a voice in how the government acts and they do so by voting, although there are generally rules on who can vote.
Mr yanacallo lenin 1stBGU"D" Date: tuesday 26th may .2020 Hour: 19:00 What is the goal of democracy?
Democracy understands that one of its main functions is to protect certain basic human rights such as freedom of expression and religion, the right to protection of the law on an equal footing.
Miss Cortes Diana 1st BGU B Date:Wednesday,27 May, 2020 Hour: 2:00pm What is the objective of democracy? In my opinion, the goal of democracy would be to regularly hold free and fair elections, open to all citizens of voting age. Citizens of a democracy not only have rights, but also the obligation to participate in the political system, and this, in turn, protects their rights and freedoms.
Name :Mr Jumbo Anderson Grade :1st BGU "D" Date :Wednesday, 27th may, 2020 What is the objective of democracy? Democracy serves to make elections fair and without cheating, in addition to serving to fulfill the rights of all people, including minorities.
Name:Miss.Sanchez Angeles Class: 1BGU D Date:miercoles 27 de mayo del 2020 ¿cual es el objetivo de la democracia? La democracia es para cumplir con las leyes y garantizar el cumplimiento de los derechos para cada ciudadano y tener derecho a votar para elegir a nuestro presidente o jefe del pais
Miss Checa Sarahi 1st BGU "C" Date:Wednesday, 27 May, 2020 Hour: 5:00pm Answer: *Democracies understand that one of their main functions is to protect certain basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to protection of the law on an equal footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural life
Bryan Valencia 1ro BGU "C" What is the goal of democracy? The proposal for which democracy was born - as a set of institutions aimed at protecting and protecting personal liberations against abuses by the political power or third parties - is already irrelevant, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a procedural system
Jhon malan 1BGU A What is the goal of democracy? democracy is to defend the well-being of all so that they are not violated by another democracy also helps all who are included in government decisions
Name: Mr David lopez Class: 1st BGU"B" Date: Friday , 29th May, 2020 Hour: 01:55 pm Week.No 11, task.4 Comentary What is the goal of democracy? The objective of democracy is to fulfill and protect the rights of citizens, democracy is based on the people, its specific objective is to fulfill what the people have decided. Democracy must protect all citizens' rights regardless of whether they are foreigners. Democracy makes known the freedom of expression that we have when electing someone to the mandate of the people.
Paulina Hernández 1st BGU "A" What is the goal of democrcy? Democracy itselft is the government of the people.His main objective is that all of them can participate with respect and equity without any discrimination...
NAME :MISS LLANO LILIAN CLASS:1BGU"B" •¿CUAL ES EL OBJETIVO DE LA DEMOCRACIA ? Mi opinion de la democracia es un sentido estricto, ya que la democracia es una forma de organización del Estado en la cual las decisiones colectivas son adoptadas por el pueblo mediante mecanismos de participación directa o indirecta que confieren legitimidad a sus representantes.
Miss: Cachago Dayana Class: 1 st BGU D What is the goal of democracy?
the objective of democracy is that as a set of institutions it is aimed at guaranteeing and protecting personal liberties against abuses by political power or third parties
Name: Miss Jhoana Campoverde Class: 1st BGU "C" ~ COMMENT ~ What is the objective of democracy? The goal of democracy is for equality to exist in a city-town-state. In which an example of democracy would be the VOTE, since through it the opinion of the people is taken into account. Finished work.♡
Rubén amagua 1ro BGU "B" ¿Cuál es el objetivo de la democracia? El objetivo de la democracia es cumplir y proteger los derechos de los ciudadanos, la democracia se basa en las personas, su objetivo específico es cumplir lo que la gente ha decidido. La democracia debe proteger todos los derechos de los ciudadanos, independientemente de si son extranjeros. La democracia da a conocer la libertad de expresión que tenemos al elegir a alguien para el mandato del pueblo. perdón por el retraso.
1st. BGU "A,B,C,D" WEEK No.3 TASK 1 Thread: LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ART Topic: Leonardo Da Vinci. Date: Delivery Date: Tuesday, 31st march, 2020 click in this link TASK 1-2 TASK 2. Thread: ORAL COMMUNICATION Song: WE ARE THE WORLD. Date: Delivery Date: Thursday, 2nd april, 2020
WEEK No. 7 1st BGU "A,B,C,D" TOPIC: SUMMARIZING DATE : Thursday, 30th april, 2020 FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Read, translate and follow the instructions pg.11 “ SUMMARIZING ” 2. Choose any of the topics we have studied during THESE 6 WEEKS and summarize it on the notebook. Use present perfect, past perfect and simple past when necessary. 3. Answer in the blog: Why did you choose that topic ? I chose that topic because............ ( MAXIMUN 3 LINES WITH YOUR WORDS)
Miss.Simbaña Angie
ResponderEliminar1st BGU C
Date: Friday, 22nd May,2020
Hour:4 :57 pm
•Democracy is considered a fair form of government that aims to protect the human rights of all people.
Its purpose is also to guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by political power or more, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system of collective and participative decision-making appropriately.
Finished the homework N°11 .
ResponderEliminar☆COURSE:1st BGU "B"
DATE: SATURDAY, 23rd , 2020
♡HOUR: 12:20
...☆¤what is the objective of democracy¤☆...
It is to protect certain basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to protection of the law on an equal footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in the political, economic and cultural life of society.
Excellent work!
EliminarName: Miss.Oña Jaden
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU"B"
Date: Saturday, 23rd May, 2020
Hour: 01:55 pm
Week.No 11, task.4
What is the goal of democracy?
The objective of democracy is to fulfill and protect the rights of citizens, democracy is based on the people, its specific objective is to fulfill what the people have decided. Democracy must protect all citizens' rights regardless of whether they are foreigners. Democracy makes known the freedom of expression that we have when electing someone to the mandate of the people.
Name:Mr.Patricio Vera
ResponderEliminarClass:1 st BGU"A"
Date and hour: Saturday,23 th ,2020. I finished my homework at time 4:01 Pm.
Comentary: ¿ What is the goal of democracy?
- the objective of democracy is that no person can be excluded from society and help to maintain the rights of each person, either by expression of freedom or by opinion of each person without being criticized.
Excellent work!
EliminarNAME: Miss. Sosa Miriam
ResponderEliminarCLASS:1st BGU "C"
DATE AND HOUR: Saturday,23 th, 2020
● Democracies understand that one of their main functions is to protect certain basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to the protection of the law on an equal footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural life..
EliminarName.Mr.Tipantiza Estiven
ResponderEliminarClass:1BGU D
*It is a form of social organization that attributes the ownership of power to all citizens. Strictly speaking, democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives.
Excellent work!
EliminarMiss Guerra Janina
ResponderEliminarClass 1 BGU A
Hour 9:00pm
Date :monday 25th may 2020
What is the goal of democrcy?
Democracy itselft is the government of the people.His main objective is that all of them can participate with respect and equity without any discrimination .~
Excellent work!
EliminarMr:Calispa Erick
ResponderEliminarClass:1st BGU "D"
Whatis the goal of democracy ?
the objective of democracy is to defend the sovereignty of the people and to respect the rights of citizens and to have the freedom to choose our rulers and make this an egalitarian society without social discrimination or any type of violence
ResponderEliminarCLASS: 1ST BGU 10:34
Dunderstand that one of their main functions is to protect certain basic human rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to protection of the law on an equal footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural life
Excellent work!
EliminarName :Miss.Estrella Magaly
ResponderEliminarCLASS:1ST BGU "A"
Date : Monday 27th, march 2020
What is the objective of Democracy? The objective of Democracy is to do what the majority of society has decided since it is made up of a group of people who govern the people in a correct way since they do jobs or activities in the welfare of the people. society
Excellent work!
EliminarName:Brayan Ruales
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU C
Democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are affected by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives.
Excellent work!
EliminarMiss Unapucha Silvana
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "A"
El objetivo es proteger ciertos derechos humanos basicos, como la libetad de expresión y de religión a la oportunidad de organizarse y participar plenamente en la vida politica y a que nadie sea despreciado.
Name: Miss Aules Emily .
ResponderEliminarClass:1st BGU C
Date: Tuesday, 26th May, 2020.
Hour:11:53 a.m.
Finished the homework N'11.
~The main objective of democracy is to defend or protect human rights, where freedom of expression and religion, equality and countless other rights are protected by democracy so that everything is kept in a totally healthy order.
Excellent work!
EliminarName: Miss Urcuango Andrea
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "B"
Date: tuesday, 26th May 2020
Hour: 12:49 pm
*Democracy is considered a fair form of government that aims to protect the human rights of all people.
Its purpose is also to guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by political power or more, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system of collective and participative decision-making appropriately.😊
Excellent work!
EliminarName: Miss Samaniego Paulina
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU C
Date: tuesday, 26th May,2020
Hour: 1:15 pm
Week 11 - Activity 4
What is the goal of democracy?
The objective of democracy is that our rights and our opinions as citizens are respected, that we have the freedom to choose and to make decisions that contribute to our government, which allows us to develop a good quality of life.
Excellent work!
EliminarName :miss Cuichan Sara
ResponderEliminarClass 1st bgu c
Date , tuesday 26 Th may 2020
Hours ;1:29
Week11 Activity 4
I believe that democracy would come to be that we can all choose And being elected is a political party so to speak, in which we have the principles of freedom and equality, equity would also enter and we can all be free, so to speak I think that would come to be democracy and it should also be noted that it comes from the Greek demos and Kratos government of the people that is to say that the people choose
Excellent work!
EliminarName:Dayana Arévalo
ResponderEliminarClass:1st BGU A
What is the goal of democracy? The objective is to defend the will of the people, since the latter transfers or delegates control of the State to a greater or lesser extent. It is one of the most popular political and social organization systems in the world, despite having been invented in Classical Antiquity. A fundamental feature is that it confers the power of decision in the conduct of the State, that is, sovereignty to the people that is expressed through the will. :)
Excellent work!
ResponderEliminarCLASS:1st BGU "c"
Excellent work!
EliminarName : miss Dahua Yessenia
ResponderEliminarclass: 1st BGU A
Date : tuesday , 26th May,2020
Hour : 15:06
Week 11 -Activity 4
What is the goal of democracy?
I think that democracy is considered more as a fair form of government that has the objectives of protecting the human rights of all people or citizens and that its purpose is also to guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by the political power and that there is no corruption, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system that makes collective and participatory decision-making in an appropriate way with people.
Miss:Mora Mayerly
ResponderEliminarClass:1st BGU B
Date:Tuesday,26th May,2020
Hour: 15:20
Week 11 Activity 4
What is the goal of democracy?The objective of democracy is to have a government in order Where the people are the ones who decide who represents us as a country with votes to choose the president with free expression.
Mr.Elizalde Kevin
ResponderEliminar1st BGU "A"
Tuesday,26th May 2020 at 15:39 pm
-What is the goal of democracy?
Strictly speaking, democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives.
Excellent work!
EliminarName :Miss.Sandoval Ivonn
ResponderEliminarClass 1st BGU C
Finish the homework
Date Tuesday 26th May 2020
What is the objective of Democracy?
The objective of Democracy is to do what the majority of society has decided since it is made up of a group of people who govern the people in a correct way since they do jobs or activities in the welfare of the people.
Excellent work!
ResponderEliminarCURSO 1RO BGU C
FECHA martes 26,mayo,2020
Cual es el objetivo de la democracia?
El objetivo de la Democracia es que todo el mundo pueda participar en las votaciones para poder escoger sus gobernantes y que cumplan todas sus acciones
Termine el DEBER número 11
EliminarHora 4:5 pm
EliminarMr Aguagallo Lenin
ResponderEliminar1 ST BGU "A"
Tuesday 26 th may 2020
16:12 pm
What is the goal of democracy?
the objective of democracy is like the protection of our rights since the supreme power belongs to the people since we are the ones who elect our rulers, since we exercise through the rulers we elect
Excellent work!
Eliminar1st BGU D
ResponderEliminarWhatis the goal of democracy ?
the objective of democracy is to defend the sovereignty of the people and to respect the rights of citizens and to have the freedom to choose our rulers and make this an egalitarian society without social discrimination or any type of violence
Nombre: Anddy Guamán
ResponderEliminarCurso: 1st BGU D
Martes, 26 de mayo del 2020
Activudad 4.
¿Cuál es el objetivo de la democracia?
Tener una mejor forma de gobierno, buenos gobernadores del país para que ciudadanos y ciudadanas tengan una muy buena calidad de vida en todos los sentidos.
Name:Mr Rivadenyera Ronald
ResponderEliminarDate:Tuesday,26th May,2020
Class:1st BGU "C"
Time:4:30 PM
What is the goal of democracy?
Democracy is the system that to date best articulates and guarantees the peaceful coexistence of a society or in the words of Winston Churchill. In other words, democracy is an imperfect model, a means of maintaining social order, not an end in itself. The objective is no longer to articulate a system that enables each human being to develop their life project free of arbitrariness and nepotism, but democracy has become a totem and everything is justified in its name.For many, democracy is about voting.
EliminarName: Miss Ceballos Edith
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "B"
Finished all homework
Democracy objectives to defend the rights of citizens are to execute and defend the will of the people, and listen to the people that is the ruler that speaks through a president elected by the people.
Excellent work!
EliminarName: Mr. Solano Eduardo
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "B"
Date: tuesday, 26th May 2020
Hour: 4:15 pm
The objective of democracy is for all citizens to participate and have a voice and vote in how the government should act, seeing the needs of the country. the government must serve the people, the democracy includes freedom of expression, rights and obligations
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ResponderEliminarNombre: Olger Gualavisi
ResponderEliminarCurso: 1ro BGU "A"
Hora: 4:00 pm
¿Cual seria el objetivo de la democracia?
Seria poder actuar todos por igual en los protocolos políticos así no seamos parte de la política, sin excluir a nadie, todos dar opiniones sobre lo que pensamos, ya elegir lo que queremos para el bien de todos. Eso es serio el objetivo de democracia hacer del pueblo un gobierno
Name: cristofer otavalo
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "C"
FInish the homework
Date: thuesday 26th May 2020
What is the objective of Democracy?
Democracy is a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through direct or indirect participation mechanisms that confer legitimacy on their representatives.
Name:miss.Simbaña Veronica
the objective of democracy is to protect basic human rights such as freedom of expression and religion and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural life
Excellent work!
EliminarName:Mr.Muñoz Jose
ResponderEliminarClass:1st bgu c
Finished the homework
What is the objetive oficial democracy?
The fundamental cause of the current multidimensional crisis (political, economic, social, ecological, cultural) is the concentration of power in the hands of various elites, which is maintained and reproduced thanks to the dynamics of the market economy system (in its current internationalized form) and its political complement, the representative "democracy", that is, the political and economic system that emerged in the West only two centuries ago.
Excellent work!
EliminarName miss kande zambrano
ResponderEliminarClass 1bgu"d"
Finish the homework
What is the objective of Democracy?
the purpose of democracy is to say that it has a form of state organization in which collective decisions are made by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that give legitimacy to their representatives
Name: Mr. Maisincho Oscar
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "B"
Date: Tuesday, 26th May, 2020
¿What is the goal of democracy ?
The objective of democracy is that the government must listen and pay attention to what the people say, democracy gives rights, obligations and freedom of expression
Excellent work!
EliminarName: David Villa
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "A"
I have finished the work
Date: Tuestaday, 26th, May, 2020
1. What is the objective of Democracy?
*They are certain rights that citizens give us to express themselves freely without restrictions, so that they can exercise our point of view to the country and that they listen to us without fear of anything, thus we will help our people.
Excellent work!
EliminarName:Miss Cisneros Melanie
ResponderEliminarClass 1st"C"
¿What is the objetive of Democracy ?
The objetive of democracy is
to maintain good family
communication as Well as
between neigbors sobre that both within the home and abroad they área democratically good decisions.
Excellent work!
EliminarName:Miss Quilumba Nury
ResponderEliminarDate:Tuesday, 26th May ,2020
Class:1st BGU “B”
Time: 5:45pm
What is the goal of democracy?
In a democracy, the institutions are there to execute and defend the will of the people, since the latter transfers or delegates control of the State to a greater or lesser extent. It is common to confuse the idea of democracy and the republic, since the latter implies the separation of public powers and equality before the law, elements that today we consider essential for the existence of a democratic government.
Excellent work!
EliminarName: Miss Farinango Victoria
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "A"
Date: Tuesday, 26th May, 2020
Hour: 17:30
¿What is the goal of democracy ?
The objective of democracy is to defend, protect the human rights of people, listen to the people who are the (persistent) ruler who is elected by citizens through votes, guarantee and protect personal liberties against abuses by political power and that there is no corruption.
EliminarName:Miss.Ligña Tifany
ResponderEliminarClass:1st BGU "D"
Date:Tuesday ,26th May ,2020
♡What is the goal of democracy?
The objective of democracy is that we can express ourselves freely,we can express our opinions and we can choose our rules ourselves.
NAME :Mr inte luis
ResponderEliminarCLASS:1st bgu "D"
HOUR :17:57pm
What is the objective of Democracy? The objective of Democracy is to do what the mejority of society has decided since it is made up of a group of people who govern the people in a correct way since they do jobs or activities in the welfare of the people. society
ResponderEliminar☆COURSE:1st BGU "A"
DATE: TUESDAY, 26TH , 2020
♡HOUR: 18:10
...☆¤what is the objective of democracy¤☆...
it is to protect the rights of all since we all have the right to express an opinion and vote for a candidate, to respect the laws and thus a good life as a citizen would be maintained
Excellent work!
EliminarName: Andres Chango
ResponderEliminarcourse: 1st BGU "C"
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Work finished 18:00 pm
for me the objective of democracy is that we have freedom of expression and an opinion in the decisions that the state takes to choose our leaders.
Excellent work!
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarMiss.Castro Vanessa
ResponderEliminar1st BGU "A"
Tuesday,26th May,2020~4:30 pm
Democracy is a form of government that protects the human rights of all citizens.
It also seeks to guarantee and protect the freedom of citizens against possible abuses by political power.
It is a system that makes constant decisions in a collective, participatory and educated way.
Miss: Alquinga Jenifer
ResponderEliminarClass 1 BGU A
Hour 6:20
Date : Tuesday May 26th may 2020
What is the goal of democrcy?
Democracy itselft is the government of the people.His main objective is that all of them can participate with respect and equity without any discrimination..
Excellent work!
EliminarNombre: Diana Cortes
ResponderEliminarClase: 1° BGU B
Fecha: Martes 26 de mayo del 2020
Hora: 7:00pm
¿Cual es el objetivo de la democracia?
En mi opinio el objetivo de la democracia seria que realizan con regularidad elecciones libres y equitativas, abiertas para todos los ciudadanos en edad de votar. Los ciudadanos de una democracia no sólo tienen derechos, sino también la obligación de participar en el sistema político y éste, a su vez, protege sus derechos y libertades.
Mr:Conlago Kevin
ResponderEliminarClass:1st BGU "C"
Date and hour: 26th may 2020 18:33
What is the goal of democracy?
That the citizens have security and confidence that what happens is controlled by them
EliminarNombre: Miss Ortega Karla
ResponderEliminarCourse: 1st BGU "B"
° Democracy considers a fair form of government that aims to protect the human rights of all people.
Its purpose is also to protect and evaluate personal releases against the abuses of political power, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a constant system of collective and participative decision-making in an appropriate way.
Name: Mr.Kevin Suarez
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "A"
In a democracy, people have a voice in how the government acts and they do so by voting, although there are generally rules on who can vote.
Mr yanacallo lenin
Date: tuesday 26th may .2020
Hour: 19:00
What is the goal of democracy?
Democracy understands that one of its main functions is to protect certain basic human rights such as freedom of expression and religion, the right to protection of the law on an equal footing.
Miss Cortes Diana
ResponderEliminar1st BGU B
Date:Wednesday,27 May, 2020
Hour: 2:00pm
What is the objective of democracy?
In my opinion, the goal of democracy would be to regularly hold free and fair elections, open to all citizens of voting age. Citizens of a democracy not only have rights, but also the obligation to participate in the political system, and this, in turn, protects their rights and freedoms.
Name :Mr Jumbo Anderson
ResponderEliminarGrade :1st BGU "D"
Date :Wednesday, 27th may, 2020
What is the objective of democracy?
Democracy serves to make elections fair and without cheating, in addition to serving to fulfill the rights of all people, including minorities.
Name:Miss.Sanchez Angeles
ResponderEliminarClass: 1BGU D
Date:miercoles 27 de mayo del 2020
¿cual es el objetivo de la democracia?
La democracia es para cumplir con las leyes y garantizar el cumplimiento de los derechos para cada ciudadano y tener derecho a votar para elegir a nuestro presidente o jefe del pais
Miss Checa Sarahi
ResponderEliminar1st BGU "C"
Date:Wednesday, 27 May, 2020
Hour: 5:00pm
*Democracies understand that one of their main functions is to protect certain basic human
rights, such as freedom of expression and religion; the right to protection of the law on an equal
footing; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in political, economic and cultural
Bryan Valencia
ResponderEliminar1ro BGU "C"
What is the goal of democracy?
The proposal for which democracy was born - as a set of institutions aimed at protecting and protecting personal liberations against abuses by the political power or third parties - is already irrelevant, the important thing is that all decisions conform to a procedural system
Jhon malan 1BGU A
ResponderEliminarWhat is the goal of democracy?
democracy is to defend the well-being of all so that they are not violated by another democracy also helps all who are included in government decisions
Name: Mr David lopez
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU"B"
Date: Friday , 29th May, 2020
Hour: 01:55 pm
Week.No 11, task.4
What is the goal of democracy?
The objective of democracy is to fulfill and protect the rights of citizens, democracy is based on the people, its specific objective is to fulfill what the people have decided. Democracy must protect all citizens' rights regardless of whether they are foreigners. Democracy makes known the freedom of expression that we have when electing someone to the mandate of the people.
Paulina Hernández
ResponderEliminar1st BGU "A"
What is the goal of democrcy?
Democracy itselft is the government of the people.His main objective is that all of them can participate with respect and equity without any discrimination...
Mi opinion de la democracia es un sentido estricto, ya que la democracia es una forma de organización del Estado en la cual las decisiones colectivas son adoptadas por el pueblo mediante mecanismos de participación directa o indirecta que confieren legitimidad a sus representantes.
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ResponderEliminarMiss: Cachago Dayana
ResponderEliminarClass: 1 st BGU D
What is the goal of democracy?
the objective
of democracy is that as a set of institutions it is aimed at guaranteeing and protecting personal liberties against abuses by political power or third parties
Name: Miss Jhoana Campoverde
ResponderEliminarClass: 1st BGU "C"
What is the objective of democracy?
The goal of democracy is for equality to exist in a city-town-state. In which an example of democracy would be the VOTE, since through it the opinion of the people is taken into account.
Finished work.♡
Rubén amagua
ResponderEliminar1ro BGU "B"
¿Cuál es el objetivo de la democracia?
El objetivo de la democracia es cumplir y proteger los derechos de los ciudadanos, la democracia se basa en las personas, su objetivo específico es cumplir lo que la gente ha decidido. La democracia debe proteger todos los derechos de los ciudadanos, independientemente de si son extranjeros. La democracia da a conocer la libertad de expresión que tenemos al elegir a alguien para el mandato del pueblo.
perdón por el retraso.